Too much emphasis is placed on going to university for academic education. People should be encouraged to do vocational training because there is a lack of qualified tradespeople such as electricians or plumbers. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Attending tertiary level education is considered quite mandatory by many. However, many others have concluded that higher education has been overrated and occupational courses are far more beneficial for significant percentage of people. I completely agree with the latter stance.

Going to a university can help many get a head start in their careers and earn respect in their community. University education ensures financial safety in most cases, even if not in all. It is why, most people want their children to attend reputed universities and educate themselves. However, due to this desire, many people

Secondly, the skill level of people is not up to the mark in some occupations, such as electrical repairs and plumbing, for most ambitious people go to universities. As a result, the best minds and the most hardworking people also go to universities to pursue higher education. It has been believed to have left a dearth of highly motivated individuals and thinkers in these fields. These fields have largely not been seen as potential areas where new technologies and methodologies could benefit people.

For the same reasons, people should be encouraged to gain skills by employing some reputed vocational courses. These vocational courses can make a lot of difference to the manner these fields are organized and perceived. These fields may offer great untapped opportunities for entrepreneurship. Moreover, not everyone is naturally wired or interested to attend university to learn from books.

Swaatii Sehgal