Some people think that to prevent illness and disease, governments should make efforts in reducing environmental pollution and housing problems To what extent do you agree or disagree with these statements?

It is often believed to maintain the health of citizens and keep them disease-free, governing bodies of a nation must work more on preventing environmental pollution and accommodation issues. I concur with this statement. The following paragraphs will throw more light on this matter.

Education plays a crucial role in our life. Thus, many believe that full-time schooling should be compulsory till 18 years of age. I concur with this statement. The following paragraphs explain my sentiments on the topic.

There are many usefulnesses of being an educated someone. First, an educated person has a high chance of having a healthy perspective of the world and generally has a better understanding of the world, for education helps in the cognitive growth of an individual and enhances awareness of the world. Consequently, such people know when they are taken advantage of. Also, an educated person can bring up future generations better than an illiterate person. Thus, everyone must avail of at least a basic education.

It is often said that knowledge is power. Educated people can work and earn for themselves and their families. Thus, an educated person can live a life of independence and self-respect. For the same reason, an educated person’s likelihood to contribute to the well-being of their society and nation is higher than an uneducated person.

Moreover, there is always a risk of children going on a debased path since many studies portray a lack of schooling or proper schooling propels the association of these children with criminal-minded people with the same issue.

To sum up, I believe everyone must attend an educational institute at least for the first 18 years. As discussed above, educated people can do much good for themselves, family, their communities, their nation, and the world. One can live a life of independence, self-worth, comfort, purpose, and virtues.

Swaatii Sehgal