Nowadays many people prefer to buy famous brands of clothes, cars and other items. What are the reasons for this? Do you think it is a positive or negative development?

Almost everyone chooses branded lifestyle items over non-branded ones. The following essay tries to throw light on a few significant reasons accounting for this inclination.

Firstly, branded items are often associated with luxury, for these items cost more than non-branded ones. These denote the success and achievements of the owner. People procure these things since they make them feel great about themselves, while others quietly brag about their social and financial status when they move in luxury cars or wear pricey watches. Many feel they are extraordinary.

Moreover, branded items are more reliable than their non-branded counterparts. Brands go that extra length to serve their customers or clients and are forever on their toes to ensure client delight. Consumers are sure of the quality they get, and this predictability makes people stick to their favourite brands. Some brands enjoy immense client loyalty, and in some cases, this loyalty is inherited by generation and may range over a few decades. Sometimes, when someone starts trusting a brand, they do not even care to check any other option.

The third reason is that brands do not allow bargains though others are open to such options. When a seller permits bargaining, it becomes difficult to know the worth of what they sell. It adversely impacts the relationship of trust between a seller and buyer.

In conclusion, there are some significant reasons why people purchase items from known brands, the main ones of which have been discussed in this essay.

Swaatii Sehgal