In some countries, the law says that everyone must attend school or college until 18. What are the advantages and disadvantages?

Several nations have mandated attending formal education till the age of 18 years. This development has merits and demerits alike. In this essay, I shall analyze both arguments.

There are a few significant merits of children attending school till 18 years. First, education is vital for personal progress and the progress of society and nations. Everyone should get a fundamental education to empower themselves and pursue judgments that can help them fit and thrive in the rapidly changing world. It is only possible if one is educated. Data shows that the countries with higher education rates are more developed. It proves that education boosts the finances of people and economies of nations leading to overall prosperity. Usually, an educated person is more purposeful and contributes better toward the well-being of society. Thus education is given prominence by governments.

However, education is not for everyone. Many people have found success and prosperity without being extensively educated. School dropouts and college dropouts also have built large empires. Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Paul Allen, and Michael Dell are a few of many such eminent personalities. If these people were compelled to stay in schools/colleges, this world could be deprived of great organizations. Thus, many assert that mandatory education can obstruct some people from being creative and enterprising.

Finally, governments of all nations indeed encourage their citizens to be educated. However, as discussed above, staying in school till 18 years of age should not be mandatory as some people may want to pursue their calling before that.

Swaatii Sehgal